Early Childhood


Transitional Kindergarten (4- and 5-year-olds)

Where a Love for Learning Begins

Our transitional kindergarten at Carlsbad Christian gets students ready for all aspects of school through play-based learning. We help 4- and 5-year-olds develop gross motor and fine motor skills through hands-on learning, practice social skills, build letter and number recognition, and our Christ-centered curriculum enriches young souls, too. Our program is full day, but prefer a half day? You can choose to pick your child up between noon and 12:30 p.m.


  • Hatching chicks in the spring

  • Caring for our class pet, a turtle named Sheldon

  • 100th Day of School celebration

  • Field trips


Children cannot enroll in TK before age 4.
Two-Day TK (Tuesday & Thursday)
Three-Day TK (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
Five-Day TK (Monday-Friday)